Monmouthshire Constituency Labour Party

Catherine Fookes elected Labour MP for Monmouthshire

Catherine Fookes has been elected Labour MP for Monmouthshire, winning against former Secretary of State for Wales, David T.C. Davies, with a majority of 3,338 votes.

The constituency had one of the highest voter turnouts in Wales, at 68.15%. Catherine is also the first woman ever to represent the seat in nearly five centuries, Monmouthshire having returned MPs to Westminster since 1559.

In her speech, Catherine thanked the returning officer, council staff and police for their hard work, the campaign team and supporters who have worked with her for the last eighteen months, and the other candidates for conducting positive campaigns.

She said: “For everyone in Monmouthshire, those who voted for me, those who voted differently, and those who stayed home – I promise to represent you all, to be your voice in parliament and always to be on your side. 

“This is a vibrant, diverse, warm and welcoming community", she added, "and throughout this campaign, it has become clear that there is far more that unites us than divides us. You’ve put your faith in me, voted for change, and supported a Labour Party with a clear, positive vision for our future.”

Catherine also paid tribute to David TC Davies, the outgoing MP, highlighting his 25 years of service to his constituents, first in the Senedd and then in Westminster: “I know that you care deeply for all the people of Monmouthshire and I want to give you my personal assurance that the constituency is in safe hands.”

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