Monmouthshire CLP – News

Catherine Fookes wins Monmouthshire for Labour

In a historic win, Catherine Fookes has become the new Labour MP for Monmouthshire.

Catherine secured victory by gaining 21,010 votes against the 17,672 votes scored by the sitting MP, former Welsh Secretary David T C Davies.

This  was the culminating win in a night which saw the Conservative Party wiped out in Wales, losing all of its previously held seats to Labour, Plaid Cymru and the Liberal Democrats.

Make a donation

We are taking the fight to the Tories here, but they're pushing back hard. To get the message out we have to run ads and print leaflets, and we can only do that with your help. Will you make a donation today?


The most important thing we can do between now and polling day is knock on as many doors as possible in the constituency and spread the word about our incredible candidate. Will you sign up to help?

Call voters

If you're not able to get out on the doors, you can still have vital conversations with voters about our excellent candidate using the Labour Party's Dialogue app. Will you sign up to make calls in the constituency.